Sicily Crusade with Dr. Cho - In Sicily, Italy an explosive work of the Holy Spirit was manifested as in the Early Church. This crusade was held until March 28 in the Sicily Para Sports Stadium. A total of 20,000 attended during the three days. It was a scene of miracles as the largest crowd in the history of Protestantism in Italy gathered and repented of sin and experienced healing. On the third day, the Para Sports Stadium was unable to accommodate the crowd, so the public stadium was used instead and the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit occurred. On March 28, Dr. Cho led a seminar for Italian church pastors and lay leaders.
* April 23
Dr. Cho preached at the Pensacola meetings at the Brownsville Church in Florida until April 26 and preached at the worship service on Sunday. The meetings had special meaning because they were at the place of revival where Dr. Cho prophesied during the Seattle Crusade in 1991.
* May 20
40th anniversary service for Dr. Cho's church planting was held at the main sanctuary of Yoido Full Gospel Church with Elder Chong Eun Lee's opening remarks, Pastor Suk Hwan Ko presiding, and Rev. John Hurston preaching. In addition, a Full Gospel Arts Festival and academic seminars were held.
* June 10-14
Prayer movement in Zurich, Switzerland - Dr. Cho's Zurich Crusade held at Oelricon Indoor Stadium was the hour of grace and power, which melted the frozen hearts of the Europeans with a strong Pentecostal message and passionate prayer. Dr. Cho proclaimed a powerful message to the Europeans deviating from their goals in life.
* August 24
98 PPP (Pusan, Panmunjum, and Pyongyang) Korea-Japan CROSS MARCH ceremony toward Panmunjum was held at Yoido Full Gospel Church with the desire for reconciliation between Korea and Japan and the desire for unification of North and South Korea. Politicians, church leaders, and lay Christians attended. Arriving on foot from Japan carrying a large wooden cross on his shoulder, Rev. Asahoran, AHM president in Japan, expressed sincere apologies to the Korean people on behalf of Japanese churches and urged self-examination to heal the deep conflict between Koreans and Japanese from the past. He stated a declaration to wake up leaders in Japan and his willingness to continue to make every effort to bring healing between the two countries.
* September
Since the Web site of Yoido Full Gospel Church was launched in 1997, more than 420,000 people have visited per month. Beginning this September, the Web site will provide world netizens with the five most commonly-used languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, French and Spanish as well as Korean.
* September 17-18
The Japanese Holy Spirit Festival and the Tokyo Revival Mission were held at Tokyo Mudokwan with the theme, "While There Is Light."
* September 25
The 18th Pentecostal World Conference in Seoul - it was held at Jamshil Olympic Main Stadium in Seoul with 100,000 attendees. The speakers, Dr. Cho and Rev. Ray Hughes, preached on "Pentecost and the Last Days" and "Pentecost in the 21st Century", suggesting the direction of the Pentecostal Movement. The attendees prayed for the restoration of the Asian economy and for world peace. The 19th conference was chosen to be held in Los Angeles, U.S.A. in 2001, and Thomas Trask was elected chairman.
* October
Publication of "The 40-Year History of Yoido Full Gospel Church" - the book written in Korean consists of 529 pages with 2,581 photos. The book tells the history and growth of Yoido Full Gospel Church in clear detail based on thorough research.
* October 21 -25
The Hungary Crusade - Dr. Cho led the Hungary Crusade in Budapest. He urged the Hungarians to pray for Hungary, to be renewed by following Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life. Those who suffered from leg pain were healed among many sick, and the healing work of the Holy Spirit moved powerfully, so there was a long line of people who wanted to give their testimony. On the 21st, Dr. Cho had an interview with KOSTH Radio Station. He led a seminar for leaders at the cultural hall on the 22nd. On October 23, 24, and 25 he preached at the crusade at Olympia Casarnok.
* November 19-20
Chimkent Healing Crusade with Dr. Cho in Kazakhstan - the crusade was held at a playground next to Chimkent Full Gospel Church. A total of 10,000 attended in two days. Not only Chimkent residents came, but also many people came from Almaty, Taraz, Tashkent and Farghona by train in the early morning. The crusade caught great attention, so the venue was overcrowded, and some climbed on a roof to listen to Dr. Cho. It was like the 60s in Korea. About 1,000 people received salvation through the work of the Holy Spirit, and many sick received healing. The crusade was expected to build up a base for evangelizing Central Asia.
* December 6
The 10th anniversary of the foundation of The Kukmin Newspaper - The Kukmin Newspaper had their 10th anniversary reception with President Dae-jung Kim, political leaders, and religious leaders in the lobby on the first floor of the CCMM building.
The Kukmin Newspaper determined to be a guide for leading readers into the new millennium, which is full of hope, love, and peace.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."