The first groundbreaking service for the expansion of the main sanctuary of Yoido Full Gospel Church.
* February 15
Dr. Cho left for East Asia Pastors' Seminar and crusades.
* April 13
Pastors' Seminar for "10 Million Japanese Soul Saving Mission" organized by Japan Mission (Chairman: Elder Si-han Lim), Businessmen's Fellowship (Chairman: Nak-hyung Kim) was held inviting interdenominational Japanese pastors for Church Growth Seminar (April 13-19). From Japan, 130 pastors including Rev. Kasima of Osaka Central Gospel Church attended the event.
* May 8
Dr. Cho returned to Korea from seminars in New Orleans, Louisiana and Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA from April 26 - May 5.
* May 17~21
World Evangelization Seoul Convention was held in the main sanctuary with Rev. Dennis L. Goodell and Reverends Yong-mok Cho, Man-shik Lee, Kwan-suk Oh, Chong-jin Phi, and Chun-ho Choi.
* May 25~28
The 100th Anniversary Commemoration Service of Korea-USA Diplomatic Ties was held by Jerry Falwell in Chamshil Gymnasium along with 25 of his assistants at Thomas Road Baptist Church.
* May 30
1982 Full Gospel Businessmen's Mission Fellowship Asia Crusade was held in Singapore June 2-6. This was the second event since the Billy Graham crusade three years ago, and 40,000 people participated, and 5,000 were saved.
* August 2~12
Asia Seminar was held in the Memorial Hall. Speakers were Loren Cunningham, Kalafi Moala, Joy Dawson, Bruce Thompson, Paul Hawkins, Jan Jones, and Darlene Cunningham.
* September 4
Dedication Ceremony at Prayer Mountain of 10,000-seat main sanctuary was held with 5,000 people attending. Speakers were Dr. Cho, Sung-soo Whang and Chang-kyun Shin. The ceremony was chaired by Ka-myung Cho.
* September 30
The CGI Seminar was held for eight days in the World Mission Center with church leaders from 15 countries, such as USA, Norway, Singapore, the UK, New Zealand, Japan and the Philippines. Five hundred pastors attended the seminar along with Dr. Cho, Dr. W. Rodgers, and Dr. J. Wilkerson.
* October 11
Dr. Cho left for American crusades at the invitation of Rev. Esther Lee, Foothill Community Church, Sacramento, California. He led seminars for pastors during the day and crusades in the evening for four days from 13-17.
* November 13
Dr. Cho preached for Yokohama crusades as a part of the 10 Million Soul Saving Mission.
* November 21
Dr. Cho left for Sri Lanka crusade. He led seminars in the morning in Dr. Colton Wickramaratne's church and in the afternoon, crusades for laymen in Public Hall, Colombo City.
* December 9
The Korea Culture and Art Mission Prayer Meeting was held at Garden Hotel with Soon-won Whang and 60 other media people.
* December 14
Sharing Ministry was established in the Farming and Fishing Community Mission.
* December 31
Main sanctuary completion service of the 900-pyung basements on 2,300 pyung of land for main sanctuary.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."