Full Gospel Central Church name changed to Yoido Full Gospel Church.
* February 10
CGI Conference in America. From January 26-27, Dr. Cho held a crusade for 15,000 Baptists and Pentecostals in Dallas. In the Maui, Hawaii crusade, 2,000 people gathered and 300 were saved; many were healed. In Hawaii, the Korean Residents' Crusade was attended by 400 Koreans on February 5 and at night in the NBC Arena 7,000 members attended the crusade. many received divine healing and accepted Christ.
* March 17
Dr. Cho returned from American crusades. He led the Oakland Crusade in California from February 28 - March 4 and the Los Angeles crusade from March 5-12 with many participants.
* April 7
Telecasting of Dr. Cho's programs started on Channel 47, Cable TV in Toronto every Saturday from 7:30-8 a.m. and on Channel 34, Rogers Cable from 7-7:30 p.m.
* April 17
Dr. Cho left Korea on April 1 and returned after TV recording and Swiss crusades.
* May 5
Jesus Festival with Youth Mission members. A total of 5,500 participated, and 700 were saved.
* June 13-15
The 11th Full Gospel World Mission Convention in the main sanctuary.
* July 14
Dr. Cho returned after leading Independence Day crusades in Texas, USA. From July 4-6 in Houston and from 8-12 in Dallas, he held crusades with over 3,000 people in attendance.
* August 8-10
CGI Conference in Canada was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, until 10, with Dr. Cho as a main speaker, along with Rev. Tommy Reid and Rev. Charles Green.
* August 15~19
The 100th Year Anniversary Celebrating Korean Christianity meeting for one million Christians was held for five days at Yoido Plaza, organized by the Korean Christianity 100th Anniversary Commemoration (Chairman: Rev. Kyung-jik Han). On the last day of the event, Rev. Kyung-jik Han and Billy Graham preached to 600,000-700,000 people who attended, and on the fourth night Dr. Cho preached on "Reunification and A Night of Peace."
* September 19
Venezuela and Peru crusades were organized by CGI and held by Dr. Cho. From 19-22 in Lima, Peru, and from 23-27 in Caracas, Venezuela, Dr. Cho realized the possibilities of missions in the Third World.
* October 1
Attained 400,000 members.
* October 16~18
Japanese Martial Arts Hall Crusade was a turning point in the 10 million Japanese Soul Saving Mission, which was held for three days. The second Japanese Mission Rally became the focus of attention of the TV and media with 15,000 participants.
* November 3
Louisville crusade and CGI seminar in Fuller Theological Seminary was held with Dr. Cho who was invited by Unity USA, an interdenominational prayer union, and by Fuller Seminary. From 24-27 in Louisville crusade which was held in Graceland Baptist Church; 5,000 pastors and members participated everyday.
* November 7
Fukuoka Pastors' Seminar, which was held in Fukuoka Citizens' Center, on November 9 with Dr. Cho and Rev. Chun-kon Kim as main speakers, and 500 Japanese pastors and church leaders participated.
* December 5
Malaysian Crusade, organized by CGI, was held in the Merdeka Stadium, accommodating 40,000 people. Dr. Cho and CGI board members were speakers. The 4-day crusade attracted 2,200 pastors from Asia and a total of 100,000 people from Malaysia. It brought about new mission possibilities in Malaysia.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."