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  I want to be healed.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))
  I want to be a Christian.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))

Pastor Cho's Sermon Outline - Yoido Full Gospel Church - Seoul, Korea
Life and Hope
Acts 2:25 ~ 2:29


25 David said about him: " 'I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
26 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope,
27 because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
28 You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.'
29 "Brothers, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day.

Introduction: A woman became a war widow in her twenties, and she was able to put up with all that pain in raising her son, because she had hope in her son.

1. If hope is lost in life.
1) Lose strength and courage to go on living
2) Take a pessimistic view of life
3) Become as weak as a vegetable
4) Become a slave to depression (Pr 17:22).
5) Prefer to die rather than live

2. If hope is present in life.
1) Springs strength and courage
2) Overcoming hardships positively (Ro 5:3-4).
3) Become creative
4) Have a life of joy and happiness (Ac 2:25-28).

3. Why do Christians have hope?
1) Because of receiving the love of God through Jesus (Jn 3:16; Ro 5:8).
2) Because of the Fivefold Gospel and Threefold Blessing through the Cross
(Ps 103:3-5; 3Jn 1:2).
3) Because of the comfort of the Holy Spirit (2Co 1:4-5; Ro 15:13).
4) Because of the promise of heaven (1Pe 1:3-5).

4. Our national characteristics and hope.
1) Resisted 36 years without losing hope
2) Settled on the rubble of the Korean War
3) Resource of hope in empty hands
4) Among the countries that received assistance after World War II, Korea was the only country able to give aid to other countries (Ps 146:5; Dt 28:12-13).

5. How to live in hope.
1) Think about the grace of redemption and the Cross
2) Dream about the love of God and the grace of Jesus Christ that will give
us a better tomorrow
3) Believe in the Word of God
4) Speak positive and hopeful words (Ro 8:28).

Conclusion: If our hope, dreams, and faith disappear, we will become a prisoner of despair and death. Continue to give thanks for God's love, Jesus' grace, and the help of the Holy Spirit, and let the fire of hope burn in your heart.

Previous sermon:
  • The Happy Life(2019-12-30)  
  • Cast out the Demons(2019-12-23)  
  • The Water and Bread of Life(2019-12-16)  
  • The Devil Who Took the Power of the Air(2019-12-09)  
  • The Recovery of the Lost Eden(2019-12-02)  
  • Jesus the Good Shepherd(2019-11-25)  
  • Children Who Serve God(2019-01-06)  
  • Go Around and Ask All Your Neighbors for Empty Jars(2018-11-18)  
  • True Neighbor(2018-11-11)  
  • The Parable of a Sower(2018-11-04)  
  • The sprit That sets us free(2018-10-28)  
  • The Blood of Jesus and Prayer(2018-10-14)  
  • The Affliction Wakes a Sleeper up(2018-10-07)  
  • The Life of Prayer and Thanksgiving(2018-09-30)  
  • Hope in the Heart(2018-09-23)  

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    Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

    2 Thessalonians  3:16


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