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  I want to be healed.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))
  I want to be a Christian.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))

Pastor Cho's Sermon Outline - Yoido Full Gospel Church - Seoul, Korea
The Life of Jesus Revealed in Our Body
2 Corinthians 4:7 ~ 4:10


7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.

Introduction: People who lived during the time of the Japanese colonial rule and the 25th of June Korean War know that the peace and prosperity of today are tremendous blessings of God. However, the generations that were born and raised in an age of affluence, take peace and prosperity for granted and are neither grateful nor happy for what they have. People who have learned what it is to be hungry know the value of food. People who have learned what it is to be sick know the grace of being healthy, and people who have gone through hardship know the value of peace.

1. The treasure in our body.
    We have Jesus the treasure in jars of clay. But when can we see and experience this
    1) When we are hard pressed on every side and crushed, this is the time to be
        delivered by the power of Jesus Christ (Heb 10:38; 1Jn 4:4).
    2) When we are perplexed and in despair, this is the time to be freed by depending
        upon Jesus Christ (Ps 91:14-15).
    3) When we are persecuted and abandoned, this is the time to be comforted by the
        supernatural comfort of Jesus Christ (2Co 1:4-5; Mt 5:11-12).
    4) When we are struck down and destroyed, this is the time to be resurrected from
        the ashes (2Co 5:1; Jn 11:25-26).

2. What is the death of Jesus?
    (2Cor 4:10)
    1) Jesus carried our sins, unrighteousness, disease, the curse, and death,
        and He died (Ro 5:8).
        We have to carry the death of Jesus.
    2) Believers are vulnerable to attacks from sin, disease, curses, poverty, and death.
        While we live on earth, we cannot avoid them (1Jn 5:19; 1Pe 5:8-9).
    3) Why must we be attacked when we are saved?
        Because we are creating a stage on which the life of Jesus Christ will appear.
        We will be able to see Jesus´ righteousness, holiness, healing, blessing, and life
        (Ps 103:3-5).

3. When we carry around in our body the death of Jesus.
    1) We must give thanks to God for this (2Co 12:10).
    2) We must give thanks to God for the grace of victory (2Co 12:8-9).
    3) A life in which we are more than conquerors (Ro 8:35, 37).
        Not a life that is in an incubator.
        God wants us to have a winning and victorious life.

Conclusion : "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Ro 8:38-39).

Previous sermon:
  • The Happy Life(2019-12-30)  
  • Cast out the Demons(2019-12-23)  
  • The Water and Bread of Life(2019-12-16)  
  • The Devil Who Took the Power of the Air(2019-12-09)  
  • The Recovery of the Lost Eden(2019-12-02)  
  • Jesus the Good Shepherd(2019-11-25)  
  • Children Who Serve God(2019-01-06)  
  • Go Around and Ask All Your Neighbors for Empty Jars(2018-11-18)  
  • True Neighbor(2018-11-11)  
  • The Parable of a Sower(2018-11-04)  
  • The sprit That sets us free(2018-10-28)  
  • The Blood of Jesus and Prayer(2018-10-14)  
  • The Affliction Wakes a Sleeper up(2018-10-07)  
  • The Life of Prayer and Thanksgiving(2018-09-30)  
  • Hope in the Heart(2018-09-23)  

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  • Daily Bible
    Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

    2 Thessalonians  3:16


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