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  I want to be healed.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))
  I want to be a Christian.
 Dr. Cho's Prayer)))

Pastor Cho's Sermon Outline - Yoido Full Gospel Church - Seoul, Korea
Why Have These Things Happened to Me?
Psalms 22:1 ~ 22:2


Introduction : God is the absolute sovereign who is unique in heaven and under heaven. That is why He does everything as He pleases. No one can question Him about what He does.

1. Questions that people ask God
    1) Why have you made a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?
        Why did you let the devil tempt Adam and Eve? (1Ti 4:4)
    2) Why did you especially choose Abraham and make the Jews your chosen people?
        (Ge 12:2-3; Dt 7:7-8)
    3) The question that Jesus asked God - My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
        (Ps 22:1)
    4) Why were you silent when Adolf Hitler cruelly slaughtered six million Jews during
        the Second World War?
        - We cannot answer these questions clearly as a defender of God.
            (Mt 27:24-25; Isa 59:1-2; La 5:7)

2. The eternal plan and providence of almighty God
    1) When a kindergarten child asks a question about applied mathematics¡¦we must
        be silent without any response.
    2) When we who are ignorant of physics ask about Albert Einstein´s theory of relativity
    3) When human beings comment on almighty God with limited knowledge
        - Human beings are products of limited time and space (Ps 103:15; Job 42:2-3)
           How can human beings understand the heart of God who is immortal and eternal?
           (Isa 55:8)
           When we can´t make an ignorant person understand, we can´t help laughing and
           being silent (Ps 2:4)

3. Our attitude toward unanswerable questions
    1) Abraham didn´t understand why God asked him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice.
        - He obeyed God, trusting in God´s absolute goodness (Heb 11:17-19)
    2) Joseph didn´t understand the will of God whenever he faced trouble
        - Human beings can´t understand God, but they just believe in Him (Ge 37:28)
    3) We don´t understand the reason why six million Jews were slaughtered.
        - Faith is not understanding but just believing. God knows everything, and we only
           believe that our omniscient God is right, no matter what He does
           (Ps 123:2; Heb 10:38; Ro 8:38-39)
    4) In His everlasting providence, God is perfectly good, and what He does is good and
        kind (Ps 23:6). "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see
        face to face" (1Co 13:12).

Conclusion : There are too many things we cannot understand in this world. We may lament over our personal matters, asking why they happen to us. However, one thing we know is that God is love, and we believe that His providence is good and kind. We believe that weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Previous sermon:
  • The Happy Life(2019-12-30)  
  • Cast out the Demons(2019-12-23)  
  • The Water and Bread of Life(2019-12-16)  
  • The Devil Who Took the Power of the Air(2019-12-09)  
  • The Recovery of the Lost Eden(2019-12-02)  
  • Jesus the Good Shepherd(2019-11-25)  
  • Children Who Serve God(2019-01-06)  
  • Go Around and Ask All Your Neighbors for Empty Jars(2018-11-18)  
  • True Neighbor(2018-11-11)  
  • The Parable of a Sower(2018-11-04)  
  • The sprit That sets us free(2018-10-28)  
  • The Blood of Jesus and Prayer(2018-10-14)  
  • The Affliction Wakes a Sleeper up(2018-10-07)  
  • The Life of Prayer and Thanksgiving(2018-09-30)  
  • Hope in the Heart(2018-09-23)  

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  • Daily Bible
    Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

    2 Thessalonians  3:16


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